Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire...

... actually, the roof is on the floor. Sarah and I were just snoozing away one day on the futon mattress we have comandeered...

when suddenly there was this sound like a ruckus! (Could you describe the ruckus!?) Like a wayward scud missile might have entered our attic!

When John ran to the bathroom to investigate the all too familiar crash... hwe found this:

Eeh gads! And so we bid farewell to our Hummingbird Home. Details on that to follow...

Love ya'll like Chicken Little under a fallin' sky

-Joy Beagel


Anonymous said...

MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS - - - Joy Beagle, your "everyday" events are a little over the top......where are you living now? Hopefully in a home with a good strong roof! I can guess that the episode with the sky falling was quite traumatic - not only for you and Sarah, but for Chris & John. Now I understand why the blog hasn't been too active lately. Looking forward to your lives calming down a little and your future postings.
Love y'all, too.
Hugs, Mary

Anonymous said...

Well, Joy!
It's a good thing no one was sitting on the can when that happened! You'd be a half-orphan, and it would be so embarassing to explain! So glad everyone survived!
Love, Tooky and Katie Cat