Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Nothing Speaks Louder than Silence...

Well, ya'll can probably predict what is on my mind this morning. I lay there chomping on my Z-Ridge Bone last night (quite oblivious) while the president of this country gave his "State of the Union" address. I suppose in retrospect, I was not the only one of the two mentioned here that was in oblivion!

Did I listen? No. I didn't have to. I figured that since I am more of a cyber mutt - I'd read the recap in the news today. Spares me having to look at that expression I can only interpret as "smugness" from someone who potentially could be harvesting the compassion of an entire nation -- and offering it to the world. I may be a dog, but I don't see kindness, sincerety or even genuine concern in that face... EVER.

My original home in Louisiana was probably demolished from the face of this planet by Hurricane Katrina. The people who lived there (not to mention us animals) lost SO MUCH in that storm. The outpouring of affection, volunteers and money in response to that need was truly the most heartening thing many of us have witnessed in a long time. And the president (ie: elected leader of our nation) did not mention ONE SINGLE SYLLABLE about the rebuilding of New Orleans... something still needed and far from complete in the gulf of our country.

NEW ORLEANS - Gov. Kathleen Blanco angrily criticized President President
on Wednesday for not mentioning 2005's destructive hurricanes in his
State of the Union speech, and said Louisiana is being shortchanged in federal
recovery funding for political reasons. "I guess the pain of the hurricane is
yesterday's news in Washington," Blanco said at a news conference.

You hear judgement in my tone I am sure. For that I sincerely apologize. But what of this war that we are willing to ramp up, amp up and pursue at the cost of our soldier's lives, the reputation of our country on an international level (once perceived of as a friend to the world) and the unimagineable monetary consequences... (except maybe for the fortunate "higher ups" of Haliburton.) Yet in our own back yard... people remain displaced, dispaired and dismissed.

It is obsene. And I know that it is my karma to be a dog in this country during this event, so I can't point my paws at anyone. But shame on you Mr. Bush. I reserve my right to express my opinion, and in my humble little doggy mind - you have blown every opportunity (that you have ever had) at showing that you have America's interests truly at heart. You want to denounce my family, ignore my city of origin in its time of need, and take money out of my people's hands for a cause that YOU KNOW FOR A FACT (assuming that the ability to read is a pre-requisite for the position of President of the United States of America) that the majority of your country does not support in it's current unfolding.

You should look up the meaning of president - and reconsider whether or not you are living up to that title. But then again... why should you care?

WASHINGTON - The Democratic-controlled Senate
Foreign Relations Committee
dismissed President Bush's plans to increase troops strength in Iraq on Wednesday as "not in the national interest," an unusual wartime repudiation of the commander in chief.

Love ya'll like the freedom of speech, press and voting in a beautiful democratic society.

Yours drooly,
Joy Beagle

Friday, January 12, 2007

Groove is in the Heart...

... but worms are not!!! I am officially HEARTWORM free. Woo-hoo.

Now Daddy keeps saying something about "the vet gave me the okay to get her fixed". But I didn't know I was broken? Confusing no doubt, but it must have to do with my gender cause Chris and John keep saying "bye bye girly parts!"

It was a stressful run to the vet on Tuesday. Chris forgot the timing of the appointment so we left Sedona 30 minutes late. With the heavy traffic between Sedona and Prescott, there was palpable stress coming from him in the driver's seat. Then a rock tapped his windshield and made one of those pretty little "stars" in the middle of his windshield. He said something in French or Russian or something cause I'd never heard that word before!?

Anyway, we arrived in the waiting room where I like to growl at every other dog and let them know that I am one tough little girl! (I did survive a Hurricane at 6 or 7 months old... give credit where credit is due!) The vet could not understand why Chris was so stressed out when we were asked to wait in the lobby again for the blood test results. So I just continued my growling routine! (Think there is a correlation?)

Finally, two more booster shots (rabies and distemper), a six month supply of Heartguard, and $120 of Chris' hard-earned dollars later (which made me laugh cause he thought this was just a follow up visit)... and we were on the way home. I am not sure if Daddy was showing tears of happiness or total exhaustion as we drove the hour and a half back home. He was really quiet... probably he was concerned about how to get me "fixed" if I ain't broken!? Who understands human emotions anyway.

Well, gotta go chomp on some more treats! (I'm milking this new healthy dog status for all it is worth!!)

Love ya'll like a good prognosis of a previous ailment!

Joy Beagle

(PS: Saw an ad in the classifieds today: "Heartworms seek chamber on upper east end. 4 legged, single tailed hound with plumbing. Mosquito ridden areas preferred, meals provided by host. Healthy dogs need not reply..." so I tossed the paper on the floor and peed on it just for good measure!)