Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Caution: Graphic Images Ahead

If you have a weak stomach these images are hard to take. I post them here only because (regardless of whether we find them "tasteful") they are a frightening reality in our modern "civilization".

So although the tone of this post is morbid... the point must be driven home/ sometimes to give rise to compassion we have to first connect with the discomfort or pain.

Love ya'll like the last beacon of hope for a needlessly dying animal!

Joy Beagle

How would you like it to be whacked hard over the head as a "sport"!?

Norway and Canada have a new kind of tourism. Killing baby seals. They call it a "sport"..

You want to call this a sport ?

Is he a sportsman?


You're our only hope !!!

This barbarism shouldnt be possible in our society..

Dont turn your back on us, we are defenseless

I know these images seem painful for you, but we feel the pain. We are being slaughtered and its going on RIGHT NOW...

What gives him the right to kill us? Who is he to decide about life and death?

What kind of sport is this? I didnt harm anyone. I was just swimming around..

Please help me and my friends...

This is not an ask on behalf of a particular organization or rescue group. This is a plea, as though the animals themselves could speak to you... to get involved with your time, energy or money with some entity that can prevent this kind of cruelty. Your government, a non-profit, a small coalition. Start SOMEWHERE... but start today. You can even remain anonymous if you wish... the karma is still yours for being of benefit!

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