Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of Drool-y

Today is clearly a day for celebration. We may not all be completely enamored with our country's "leadership" or the direction of some current political emphasis. [Don't even get me started on the image above where we portray "innocence and freedom" as a kid with a gun in his hand... alright, back on track now.] But unless some bone-headed few destroy the rights of all, we do enjoy many freedoms in this country that are unique to democracy. So in an effort to show my appreciation of that diversity, I (Joy Beagle - the Buddhist dog) present some Christian literature right here on my blog...

On the First day, God created the dog.
On the Second day, God created man to serve the dog.
On the Third day, God created all the animals of the earth to serve as
potential food for the dog.
On the Fourth day, God created honest toil so that man could
labor for the good of the dog.
On the Fifth day, God created the tennis ball so that the dog might or
might not retrieve it.
On the Sixth day, God created veterinary science to keep the dog happy and
the man broke.
On the Seventh day, God tried to rest, but he had to walk the dog.

There you have it. The Testament shared on a Buddhist Hound's website. Now THAT is freedom of religion and speech in essence.

Love ya'll like one nation under dogs with liberty and justice for all!

Joy Beagle


Patty Tulloch said...

Yo Yo Joy, Very cool reading for 4th of July.

Let Freedom Ring and Let Chewies Flow on 4th of July thank God for our country and every four legged creature we know.

Oh and loved the Hollywood posting as well. You should start Six Degrees of Separation from Joy Beagle.

Paws Out,


Anonymous said...

Hey Zack,
Speaking of celebrities... one of your moms (PT) and I met Tom Cruise on the same night in 1987! (Way back before he got into this crazy Katie Holmes media frenzy.)

The memory of it has just sparked a new post idea for my blog!

Big hug to your moms...

Anonymous said...

Joy Beagle, I loved your "doggie" description of the Creation~~you have such an off the wall sense of humor that I am perfectly attuned with.
You need to check out:
I'm wondering if some Adman took the idea from Bistro's Journey?
I haven't commented for awhile - but hope to do so more often.

Love, Mary