Tuesday, May 29, 2007

And What of These Children?

So I am lying on the floor this morning... realizing that it is the day after Memorial Day (which screws up everything from your banks, to your mail and your trash pickup service) and suddenly I hear the sounds of the children.

In my half groggy state I glance up at the alarm clock beside Chris' bed. It is nearly 9:00 AM. Why are they here? Shouldn't they be at school?

At that point Chris swings his feet off the side of the bed and goes to make the kids some breakfast. Dazed and confused... I look over towards the calendar.

In big scrawling letters the words "Last Day of School" are scribed on the block that represents last Friday. I contemplate the meaning of this. Children... at home... all day long... for the next eight weeks.

SO. If my writing seems a little, um, terse for the next period of time. Now you might understand why. I have grown to love many things about my life in Sedona. I have NOT YET come to appreciate the children with whom I live. Chris, John and Rabden keep telling me if I would stop barking and growling when the children startle me... they'd pet me and play with me. I am not yet sold on the concept...

Chris and John, meanwhile, seem elated to have little playmates this morning. As I speak they are all gathered around in the Arizona room watching "Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang" and singing that mind numbing theme song from the film. An odd movie indeed! Imagine a car that floats and flies !? It is absurd. Like a dog that... wait, huh?! Never mind... I digress!

Today I pray for a stress free summer in a house of children (where we dogs now have to share our attention and treat quota!)

Love ya'll like a loyal mutt (should) love her kids!!!

-Joy Beagle

Child: "Oh please... oh please let summer last for ever!"

Dog: "Oh please... oh please let summer be over soon!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, Joy, what a fabulous picture! Doesn't look quite like you, but close enough, eh?
Tooky and Howard occasionally have some kids around working in the yard, but I just go hide, so I don't have to deal with them. Adults are a little more predictable and calm, which is certainly something this kitty likes! Give me serenity! Maybe a bug or some birds to keep an eye on, or an occasional varmint crossing the yard, that's more my speed. Nothing too intense, like kids. So, as much as I'm a cat who cares, I feel for your plight. Otherwise, I'll just be basking in my sunbeam on the open windowsill, sniffing the breezes.