Sunday, April 23, 2006

What DO humans do at this hour?

I am lying on the bed trying to understand the insanity that keeps Chris up all night on his computer. I shuffle around from the bed, to my little doggie bed behind his desk, and a few other random spots around the house... but there he sits clickety clacking on that computer keyboard ALL NIGHT LONG.

I feel sorry for you humans. Having so many projects to complete all the time. As for Sarah and I, we have perfected the art of lying around all day, with intermittent bolts of energy and spontaneous barking. (Our favorite game is to run to a door or window barking frantically... it always makes our people think that there is an unannounced visitor, or at night a prowler perhaps.) But alas, when those silly boys go peek out the door or window, they find nothing that should provoke such a noise from us... it truly is an amusing game!

Tonight as I gazed at the computer screen, it seems that Chris is obsessed with Quicken - you know, that software that simulates a checkbook. Only judging by the contorted faces I would see him make, my person must have forgotten to notate some items in his checkbook that were CLEARLY causing some confusion with his mathematics! He always seems maddest when that little hyphen appears before the numbers in Quicken. I wish I understood you humans a little better!

Hey, a funny thing I want to share with you... my daddy brought home a postcard from work recently, and it looks like me! It's a rendering by a local artist... and if the dog in Ron Burns' "Andy's Pop World" was a girl and had a pink nose... by gosh she'd look like my clone almost! Check it out:

So naturally I think Ron is one of the most talented guys around!

Alright, since it is almost sunrise... here is a yummy dog treat recipe for ya:

Morning Gruel:

Have you human make up some oatmeal, the plain kind... and instant is just fine if you have it!

Add a tiny drop of vanilla, a dab of Molasses or honey - some tiny diced bits of an apple, a couple teaspoons of plain or vanilla yogurt - and Voila - you have a nice warm cereal to start your day right!!!

You can try some variations on the theme with pet diet approved add ins.

Ease your pups into this snack with small portions to begin. Any drastic change in our diet can give us "the runs" if you catch my drift?!

I'll see ya'll big ole insomniacs out there in the cyber-pound!

(Oh yeah, here is Ron Burns' "Don't Hound Me"... remind you of anyone?)

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