Friday, April 28, 2006

Where will Bistro begin his journey?

Okay, so I have to keep nipping at the heels of these humans to get them to launch this project. They have good intentions but they are a little overwhelmed by life sometimes. The problem is this... there is not a 100% decision on WHO to send the package to for the "kick off." [See first post here]

I have narrowed the list to about five candidates but I was hoping to take a survey (where the candidates are anonymous) so it could be fun and "driven" by the blog. If you know you are one of the candidates you can send as many people to vote as possible but for fun you shouldn't reveal your identity here until after the votes! If people guess, well that just shows how smart those people are!! So vote with your comments and we'll be on our way!!

I will tally votes until May 1st (Monday) - Here are your choices:

1) A couple in Maryland who are expecting their first baby this summer (and are related to my humans).

2) A person that lives in L.A. and is a musician/percussionist (my person went to high school with him.)

3) A person in California that got a dog in Georgia by saving her from a tree she was tied to as a TINY little puppy (and they were two of my human's best friends out of college.)

4) A guy in Hollywood who recently began his own little film company and who was listed in the credits of "Lemony Snicket" (he shares a special history with my person.)

5) My human's, stepmother's, cousin who lives in San Francisco with several pups of her own (she was the first person to ever tell my person about blogging.)

It's like "Postal Dog Idol"... good luck and let America Choose!

Love you all as though you were scratchin' that spot that makes my leg kick!
-Joy Beagle

Photo Credit: Those cool cats, er I mean dogs over at


Anonymous said...

It's a tough choice but how about #3 - That person saved a dog!!

Anonymous said...

#1 - the couple that are expecting the baby. what a fun concept joy beagle

Anonymous said...

They are all good options - but humans all the same - we live in sunny Bris Vegas a city in Australia and would love to play with Bistro if he decides to venture down under. Bear & Misty - {Bichon Frise's}

Anonymous said...

What a great blog, Joy Beagle! Your person, Chris, is one of our favorite persons. This is a REALLY hard decision, but I keep coming back to #1.

Anonymous said...

There is no question where Bistro should go first: #3! Hi Joy! You might not remember me, but I was on the airplane with you from Best Friends, Tylertown, MS camp after Katrina (along with 120 of our closest buddies). I almost died in New Orleans and those wonderful humans got me, took me to triage and kept me alive! When I got to Tara's Babies, like you, I got a new human, too, and also live in the Red Rocks of Sedona! Maybe we can have a play date! Anyway, anybody who saves a dog should be the IDOL. Chico, the fox terrier

Joy Beagle said...

bow WOW look at all my peeps getting out the vote. And the dog friends chiming in as well! Hi Bear and Misty... you must be "down under" with Sarah M.?? My dad saw your pictures on your mom's cell phone here in the U.S. - thanks for voting!!

Hey Chico (and Alana)- I remember you! You were inside with Moo, Stuart, Polly, the beagles and the other littles at Dakini Valley!!Your mom got me photographed for the Arizona Republic and also got me placed with my current Dad. She rocks! Thanks for your input my little fuzzy buddy. Hello to Daisy, Pugsley, Sam, Bodhi, Richie, Marmalady, the birds, cats and especially the Nuns!!

Thanks to you anonymous folks too... your votes are just as important!

Anonymous said...

Hey, whoever that fourth comment is from, thanks! Flattery will get you everywhere! : )

Thanks everybody for supporting Joy Beagle like this. It's like a costume party, I can't quite tell who all is here...

Anonymous said...

Hi, Joy!
I don't know if you remember me, or even want to. I was out at Tara's Babies, too, although I was in the cat room. (I'm not too sure how you feel about us types!) Jenny from Phoenix fostered me until a month ago. Now, I'm in my forever new home in northern Utah and lovin' it!
As far as where Bistro goes first, my vote is definitely on #3. Anyone who rescues a fur kid is certainly tops in my book and deserving of all honors!
Hope you continue to recover from your heartworms. =>]
Katie (formerly, Mama Kitty)

Anonymous said...

#3, definitely. We had a friend who was rescued from Katrina and spent some time at the end of a rope. Hard to imagine not being able to run around or get away from your own poop! Bernie hated it! In his memory, we vote for #3.
--His buddies, Daisy, Jesse, and Skyler

Anonymous said...

# 3 is a great choice for Bistro to start the journey. I wish he could come see me, I am the human's great doggie niece and love all the stories about your other life and rescue. What a wonderful "daddy" you have at home now.

Anonymous said...

From anonymous #4

We love all the dogs that have passed through Dakini Valley - and all the caretakers of them. Keep guessing Chris, it should be easy. Looks like #3 is the choice of most - should I change my vote and go with the obvious? I'm getting GOOD feedback from those I forwarded the blog info to.

Anonymous said...

This is too cool Joy Beagle! And meeting you in Vegas was the bomb. Of course we would love to vote for #5, however, #3 really has our vote and heart strings. Our pup posse would like you to check out their Blog:
-pups rule.